Derek Budge,40年的采矿老兵,成为工作场所安全北区和安大略省地雷救援组织的新董事主席。 Derek Budge, a 40-year mining veteran, becomes the new board chair of Workplace Safety North and Ontario Mine Rescue.
Derek Budge是一名老练的采矿老手,有近40年的经验,现已被任命为工作场所安全北区和安大略省地雷救援组织董事会新主席。 Derek Budge, a seasoned mining veteran with nearly 40 years of experience, has been named the new board chair of Workplace Safety North and Ontario Mine Rescue. Budge的职业生涯始于1980年代初期,是一名矿工,后来他成为一名经认证的工人安全代表。 Budge's career began in the early 1980s as a miner, and he later became a certified worker safety representative. 他目前在Redpath服务,在那里工作了近24年,担任各种安全职务。 He currently serves at Redpath, where he has worked for almost 24 years, holding various safety positions. 他在安全和领导方面的广泛背景使他非常适合担任这一角色。 His extensive background in safety and leadership makes him well-suited for this role.