Laurie Pushor于2023年4月宣布不再续签合同后,为AER的新负责人成立了搜索委员会。 Search committee formed for AER's new head after Laurie Pushor announces non-renewal of contract in April 2023.
艾伯塔省能源监管者新领导人的搜索委员会成立, 现任总统劳里·普什尔宣布2023年4月不要求续约。 Search committee established for Alberta Energy Regulator's new head after current President Laurie Pushor announces not to seek contract renewal in April 2023. Pushor 在前任管理层因严重问题被解雇后于 2020 年接任,他领导了甲烷排放和闲置油井的改进。 Pushor, who took over in 2020 after previous management was dismissed due to serious issues, has led improvements in methane emissions and inactive wells. 搜索委员会,包括AER董事会的现任和未来成员,将寻找替代者,继续应对监管者的挑战。 The search committee, including current and future members of the AER's board, will look for a replacement to continue addressing the regulator's challenges.