曼尼普尔的暴力和互联网关闭扰乱了学生的教育和就业机会。 Violence and internet shutdowns in Manipur disrupt students' education and job opportunities.
曼尼普尔长期的暴力和互联网关闭正在严重扰乱学生教育。 Prolonged violence and internet shutdowns in Manipur are severely disrupting students' education. 互联网的限制限制了在线资源的获取,而宵禁和罢工阻止招募者访问校园,减少了就业机会。 Internet restrictions limit access to online resources, while curfews and strikes deter recruiters from visiting campuses, reducing job opportunities. 这导致招聘活动和职业指导服务减少,许多学生依靠不稳定的移动数据进行教育更新。 This has led to a decline in recruitment activities and career guidance services, with many students relying on unstable mobile data for educational updates.