急救人员在感恩节值班,确保安全并接受社区感谢。 First responders spend Thanksgiving on duty, ensuring safety and receiving community gratitude.
美国各地的第一反应者在感恩节值班, 保证社区安全, First responders across the U.S. spent Thanksgiving on duty, ensuring community safety despite the holiday. 消防员和警察,如肯塔基州和圣路易斯州的消防员和警察,面临紧急情况和备灾任务,常常失去与家人团聚的时间。 Firefighters and police officers, like those in Kentucky and St. Louis, faced emergencies and preparedness duties, often missing time with families. 当地社区表现出支持,提供膳食和组织活动,感谢这些重要工人,强调他们牺牲的重要性。 Local communities showed support by providing meals and organizing events to thank these essential workers, emphasizing the importance of their sacrifices. 在康涅狄格州,警察活动联盟为100多人主办了一次大餐,促进社区团结。 In Connecticut, the Police Activities League hosted a meal for over 100 people, fostering community unity.