48岁的Kenneth Halsey和30岁的Kacee Jo Pruitt在阿拉巴马州Lee县被捕,罪名是贩运甲基苯丙胺、危害儿童和持有火器。 48-year-old Kenneth Halsey and 30-year-old Kacee Jo Pruitt arrested in Lee County, Alabama for methamphetamine trafficking, child endangerment, and firearms possession.
在阿拉巴马州Lee县,一次毒品突袭导致48岁的Kenneth Byron Halsey和30岁的Kacee Jo Pruitt被捕,罪名包括甲基苯丙胺贩运和危害儿童。 In Lee County, Alabama, a drug raid resulted in the arrest of Kenneth Byron Halsey, 48, and Kacee Jo Pruitt, 30, on charges including methamphetamine trafficking and child endangerment. 当局在行动期间缴获了869克甲基安非他明、大麻、毒品和火器。 Authorities seized 869 grams of meth, marijuana, drug paraphernalia, and firearms during the operation. 阿拉巴马人力资源部拘留了一名9个月大的现身儿童。 A 9-month-old child present was taken into custody by the Alabama Department of Human Resources. 两名嫌疑人每人56,000美元的保证金都被关押在监狱里。 Both suspects are held in jail with a $56,000 bond each.