俄罗斯联邦安全局调查了12名外国记者,据称他们非法跨越库尔斯克地区的边界,乌克兰声称在那里占领;紧张局势升级。 12 foreign journalists investigated by Russia's FSB for allegedly illegally crossing the border in the Kursk region, where Ukraine claims occupation; tensions escalate.
俄罗斯联邦安全局正在调查三名外国记者——两名来自澳大利亚ABC新闻,一名来自罗马尼亚——涉嫌非法越境,在乌克兰声称占领的库尔斯克地区报道。 Russia's FSB is investigating three foreign journalists—two from Australia's ABC News and one from Romania—for allegedly illegally crossing the border while reporting in the Kursk region, which Ukraine claims to have occupied. 这项调查增加了总共12起类似案件,可能判处5年以下监禁。 This investigation adds to a total of 12 similar cases, with potential penalties of up to five years in prison. 在乌克兰最近发动攻势之后,领土控制争端不断发生,紧张局势仍然很严重。 Tensions remain high amid ongoing disputes over territorial control following Ukraine's recent offensive.