俄罗斯法院以违反俄罗斯战时假新闻法为由,判处美国电台记者阿尔苏·库尔马舍娃 (Alsu Kurmasheva) 6.5 年监禁,罪名是传播虚假信息。 Russian court sentences American radio journalist Alsu Kurmasheva to 6.5 years in prison for spreading false information under Russia's wartime fake-news law.
俄罗斯法院根据俄罗斯战时假新闻法,判处美国电台记者阿尔苏·库尔马舍娃 (Alsu Kurmasheva) 6.5 年监禁,罪名是传播有关俄罗斯军队的虚假信息。 Russian court sentences American radio journalist Alsu Kurmasheva to 6.5 years in prison for spreading false information about the Russian army under Russia's wartime fake-news law. 库尔马舍娃是美国政府资助的自由欧洲电台/自由电台的编辑,于周五在喀山的一次闭门审判中被判有罪。 Kurmasheva, an editor for the US government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, was convicted in a closed trial in Kazan on Friday. 同一天,叶卡捷琳堡法院判处《华尔街日报》记者埃文·格什科维奇间谍罪,入狱 16 年。 This comes on the same day as a court in Yekaterinburg convicted Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich of espionage and sentenced him to 16 years in prison. 库尔马舍娃的定罪标志着克里姆林宫对外国媒体的迫害达到了一个新的高度。 Kurmasheva's conviction marks a new level of persecution of foreign press by the Kremlin.