科学家在Nullarbor平原发现了11公里的伤疤 可能是2022年的龙卷风造成的 Scientists discover a 11km scar on Nullarbor Plains, likely caused by a powerful 2022 tornado.
Curtin大学科学家在Nullarbor平原发现的11公里长的“侵蚀性伤疤”据信是由2022年11月发生的龙卷风造成的。 A 11km-long "erosional scar" found on the Nullarbor Plains by scientists from Curtin University is believed to have been caused by a tornado that struck in November 2022. 通过卫星图像探测到的龙卷风估计由于该区域植被生长缓慢,每小时旋转200公里以上,留下可见的痕迹。 The tornado, detected via satellite images, is estimated to have spun at over 200 km/h and left visible marks due to the region's slow vegetation growth. 研究人员进行了实地研究,以调查伤疤的特征并了解澳大利亚的龙卷风活动。 Researchers conducted a field study to investigate the scar's features and understand tornado activity in Australia.