最近不列颠哥伦比亚省阳光海岸的龙卷风造成破坏和停电。 A weak tornado caused damage and power outages on British Columbia's Sunshine Coast recently.
据气象学家Ken Dosanjh说,据信一个脆弱的龙卷风在不列颠哥伦比亚省阳光海岸造成了风暴破坏。 A weak tornado is believed to have caused storm damage on British Columbia's Sunshine Coast, according to meteorologist Ken Dosanjh. 最近,龙卷风的最大风速约为每小时115公里,路径长度为0.7公里,导致树木下坡和停电。 Occurring recently, the tornado had maximum wind speeds of about 115 km/h and a path length of 0.7 kilometers, leading to downed trees and power outages. 该地区很少出现龙卷风,自1980年代以来,11月仅记录了两起龙卷风。 Tornadoes are rare in the region, with only two recorded in November since the 1980s. 风暴造成全省大约230 000个停电。 The storm contributed to approximately 230,000 power outages across the province.