警方在瓦特卢调查一个尸体在家后面被发现, 详细情况还在等待. Police in Waterloo investigate after a body was found behind a home, with details pending.
在Fowler街700个街区与Linden大道600个街区之间的巷子附近一栋房子后面发现一具尸体后, 警方正在调查, Police in Waterloo are investigating after a body was found behind a home near an alley between the 700 block of Fowler Street and the 600 block of Linden Avenue on Saturday morning around 7:40 a.m. 死者的死亡原因和身份尚未释放。 The cause of death and identity of the deceased have not been released. 一个路过者发现了尸体 警方正在使用三维成像扫描仪 绘制犯罪现场的地图 A passerby discovered the body, and police are using a 3-D imaging scanner to map the crime scene.