警方正在调查据报在代顿市中心发生的一起死亡事件;详情尚待确定。 Police are investigating a reported death in downtown Dayton; details are pending.
警察正在调查关于星期日下午12时45分左右在代顿市中心E.第三街和Bates街交叉路口发现一具尸体的报告。 Police are investigating a report of a dead body found in downtown Dayton at the intersection of E. Third Street and Bates Street around 12:45 p.m. on Sunday. 现场有相当数量的警察存在,包括多艘巡洋舰和犯罪现场录像带。 A significant police presence, including multiple cruisers and crime scene tape, is at the scene. 调查仍在进行中,没有公布进一步详情。 The investigation is ongoing, and no further details have been released.