在俄克拉荷马州育空地区 发现尸体头部中枪受伤 警方调查可能自杀 Body found with gunshot wound to head in Yukon, Oklahoma, police investigating possible suicide.
俄克拉荷马州的警方正在调查在附近街道上发现一具头部受枪伤的尸体. Police in Yukon, Oklahoma, are investigating a body found with a gunshot wound to the head in a neighborhood street. 事件发生在星期二上午,受害人是男性,没有直接嫌疑人。 The incident occurred on Tuesday morning, and the victim was a male with no immediate suspects. 官方死因将由验尸官办公室确定,虽然最初认为是自杀,但仍在调查之中。 The official cause of death will be determined by the Medical Examiner's Office, and while initial belief was a suicide, it remains under investigation.