新西兰《邮报》的集束信箱和减少交付的计划面临《邮报》的反弹。 New Zealand Post's plan for cluster mailboxes and reduced delivery faces backlash from the PWU.
新西兰《邮报》建议改用集束信箱,减少传送频率,这遭到邮政工人联盟的批评。 New Zealand Post is proposing a shift to cluster mailboxes and reducing delivery frequencies, which has faced criticism from the Postal Workers Union (PWU). 这些变革旨在精简业务,但可能对包括老年人和残疾人在内的弱势社区产生不利影响。 The changes aim to streamline operations but could negatively impact vulnerable communities, including the elderly and disabled. PWU称政府的协商进程具有误导性和不可进入性,呼吁扩大公众投入的范围。 PWU has labeled the government's consultation process as misleading and inaccessible, calling for an extension for better public input. 他们还提出了使用电动自行车的替代性交付方法。 They have also proposed an alternative delivery method using electric bikes.