马耳他动员了1 600多名安全官员,以保护欧安组织的一次国际会议。 Malta mobilized over 1,600 security officials to protect an international OSCE meeting.
来自马耳他警察、军队和其他安全部队的1 600多名官员为欧安组织部长理事会在马耳他举行的会议提供了安全保障。 More than 1,600 officials from Maltese police, military, and other security forces provided security for the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Malta. 这次活动有57个国家的部长参加,需要广泛的安全行动,包括机场、道路和活动地点的监视。 The event, attended by ministers from 57 countries, required extensive security operations including surveillance at airports, roads, and the event venue. 内政部长拜伦·卡米莱里赞扬了这些官员的工作,并保证政府将继续给予支持。 Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri praised the officials' work and pledged continued government support.