马耳他在联合国安全理事会任期结束时以保护平民、气候及和平进程为重点。 Malta concludes UN Security Council term, focusing on civilian protection, climate, and peace processes.
马耳他已完成其在联合国安全理事会的两年任期,积极参与处理全球和平与安全问题。 Malta has completed its two-year term on the United Nations Security Council, marked by active participation in global peace and security issues. 该国侧重于在冲突地区保护平民、处理人道主义危机和应对气候变化的影响。 The country focused on protecting civilians in conflict zones, addressing humanitarian crises, and combating climate change impacts. 马耳他主办了关于儿童保护、气候安全和妇女在和平进程中的作用的辩论,有助于实现联合国的目标。 Malta hosted debates on children's protection, climate security, and women's roles in peace processes, contributing to the UN's goals. 伊恩·博格副总理赞扬马耳他的贡献,强调马耳他对履行其国际承诺的自豪感。 Deputy Prime Minister Ian Borg praised Malta's contributions, highlighting a sense of pride in fulfilling its international commitments.