波兰、荷兰和拉脱维亚的外交部长在马耳他举行的欧安组织会议上冷落了俄罗斯的拉夫罗夫。 Foreign ministers from Poland, Netherlands, and Latvia snubbed Russia's Lavrov at the OSCE conference in Malta.
在欧安组织马耳他会议上,波兰、荷兰和拉脱维亚的外交部长拒绝与俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫会晤,表示不赞成俄罗斯在乌克兰的行动。 At the OSCE conference in Malta, foreign ministers from Poland, the Netherlands, and Latvia refused to meet with Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, expressing disapproval of Russia's actions in Ukraine. 尽管如此,拉夫罗夫还是发表了批评西方的讲话,而乌克兰官员则呼吁俄罗斯撤出。 Despite this, Lavrov delivered a speech criticizing the West, while Ukrainian officials called for Russia to withdraw. 德国认捐了1 700万欧元支持欧安组织。 Germany pledged €17 million to support the OSCE. 马耳他外交部长伊恩·博格敦促俄罗斯结束战争,释放被拘留的欧安组织官员,强调迫切需要外交解决办法。 Malta's Foreign Minister Ian Borg urged Russia to end the war and release detained OSCE officials, highlighting the urgent need for a diplomatic solution.