伦敦通勤者呼吁改善地铁,包括空调和无障碍设施。 London commuters call for Tube improvements, including air conditioning and accessibility.
伦敦人在 Reddit 上分享了他们对改善该市地铁网络的愿望,强调了对空调、更好的通风、降噪以及增加行动不便乘客的可达性的需求。 Londoners have shared their desires for improvements to the city's Tube network on Reddit, highlighting the need for air conditioning, better ventilation, noise reduction, and increased accessibility for passengers with mobility issues. 他们还呼吁在车站增加厕所。 They also called for more toilets at stations. 此外,恢复非接触式旅程历史记录和即用即付旅程的退款请求也受到欢迎。 Additionally, the restoration of contactless journey history and refund requests for pay-as-you-go journeys has been welcomed.