前警察在性攻击审判前自杀,导致案件被驳回,激怒受害者。 Former cop's suicide before sexual assault trial leads to case dismissal, angering victims.
在审判开始之前,一名因性攻击等待审判的前警官被发现死于明显的自杀,导致该案件被解职。 A former police officer awaiting trial for sexual assault was found dead in an apparent suicide just before the trial began, leading to the case's dismissal. 据称受害者对不能在法院获得公正表示愤怒和沮丧。 The alleged victims expressed anger and frustration at not receiving justice in court. 这一事件突显了受害者在寻求司法正义方面所面临的挑战,特别是当被告是前执法官员时。 The incident highlights the challenges victims face in seeking justice, especially when the accused is a former law enforcement officer.