一名无罪开释的军官在验尸官对渥太华2016年一起致命事件的调查中作证。 An acquitted officer testified at a coroner's inquest into a 2016 fatal incident in Ottawa.
一名警官在2016年一名渥太华男子死亡案中被宣告无罪,他在最近的验尸官的审讯中作证。 A police officer, who was acquitted in the 2016 death of an Ottawa man, testified at a recent coroner's inquest. 调查的目的是调查与该男子死亡有关的情况,并提出防止今后发生事件的建议。 The inquest aims to investigate the circumstances surrounding the man's death and provide recommendations to prevent future incidents. 该军官的证词是了解致命遭遇期间所发生的情况的持续过程的一部分。 The officer's testimony is part of the ongoing process to understand what happened during the fatal encounter.