在罗德岛里士满的95号公路发生致命的翻滚事故,导致一人死亡,并关闭了公路。 A fatal rollover crash on I-95 in Richmond, Rhode Island, led to one death and closed the highway.
周三下午在罗德岛里士满 I -95 发生致命的两辆车翻车撞车事故。 A fatal two-car rollover crash occurred on I-95 in Richmond, Rhode Island, on Wednesday afternoon. 这次坠机事故涉及后端碰撞,造成一人死亡和数人受伤。 The crash, which involved a rear-end collision, resulted in one fatality and several injuries. 两辆汽车都停在路边并被翻转。 Both vehicles veered off the road and overturned. 公路被暂时关闭,交通被改变方向。 The highway was temporarily closed, and traffic was redirected. 警方正在调查,并敦促公众与罗得岛州警察局联系,提供任何信息。 Police are investigating, and the public is urged to contact Rhode Island State Police with any information.