锡兰商业银行启动斯里兰卡农业现代化试点方案。 Commercial Bank of Ceylon launches pilot program to modernize agriculture in Sri Lanka.
锡兰商业银行在斯里兰卡马希兰卡杜启动了一个名为“农业现代化村”的试点方案,以实现农业现代化。 The Commercial Bank of Ceylon has launched a pilot program called 'Agri Modernisation Village' in Mahilankadu, Sri Lanka, to modernize agriculture. 该倡议旨在通过提高作物产量和采用可持续做法增强农民的能力。 The initiative aims to empower farmers by improving crop yields and introducing sustainable practices. 该方案包括与贾夫纳大学和农业部合作,提供现代耕作技术、技能发展和财政支助。 It includes modern farming techniques, skills development, and financial support, in collaboration with the University of Jaffna and the Department of Agriculture. 该银行是斯里兰卡小企业和农业部门的主要贷款方。 The bank is a major lender to Sri Lanka's small businesses and agriculture sector.