查谟和克什米尔启动了雄心勃勃的农业方案,以创造就业和企业。 Jammu and Kashmir launch ambitious agriculture program to create jobs and enterprises.
查谟和克什米尔全面农业发展方案旨在通过创造280 000个就业机会和通过29个次级项目建立近19 000个农业企业,实现农业现代化。 Jammu and Kashmir's Holistic Agriculture Development Programme aims to modernize agriculture by creating over 280,000 jobs and establishing nearly 19,000 agri-enterprises through 29 sub-projects. 该方案取得了进展,为大约11 000个单位发放了补贴,并努力培训250 000人。 The program has seen progress, with subsidies disbursed for about 11,000 units and efforts to train 250,000 individuals. 该倡议包括关于农场机械化、利基作物和养蜂的项目,预计将提高生产力和培养熟练劳动力。 The initiative includes projects on farm mechanization, niche crops, and beekeeping and is expected to boost productivity and build a skilled workforce.