中国科学家在东亚最古老的安徽发现30万年前的人类化石。 Chinese scientists discover 300,000-year-old human fossils in Anhui, East Asia's oldest.
中国科学家在东亚最古老的安徽省华隆东遗址发现了30万年前的人类化石。 Chinese scientists have unearthed 300,000-year-old human fossils in the Hualongdong site, Anhui Province, the oldest found in East Asia. 这些化石,连同石器和动物骨骼,显示了人与现代人之间的特征,表明了一个重要的进化阶段。 These fossils, along with stone tools and animal bones, show characteristics between Homo erectus and modern humans, indicating an important evolutionary stage. 该网站有20多人居住,包括一个“餐厅大厅”和一个庇护所,为人类早期的进化提供了宝贵的见解。 The site, home to over 20 individuals, includes a 'dining hall' and a shelter, offering valuable insights into early human evolution.