查谟的一个慈善ENT营地对203名患者进行了检查,提供免费治疗和助听器。 A charitable ENT camp in Jammu examined 203 patients, offering free treatments and hearing aids.
在查谟启动了一个为期两天的 " ENT慈善营 " ,以帮助有听力问题的病人,特别是使服务不足的社区以及听力障碍学校的儿童受益。 A two-day charitable ENT camp was launched in Jammu to assist patients with hearing issues, particularly benefiting underserved communities and children from hearing-impaired schools. 在Sanjay Sachdeva博士的带领和当地基金会的支持下,203名病人接受了检查,免费获得药品、耳滴和助听器。 Led by Dr. Sanjay Sachdeva and supported by local foundations, 203 patients were examined, receiving free medicines, ear drops, and hearing aids. 该营地在地方政府的支持下,计划继续维持两年,并扩大到农村地区。 The camp, backed by the local government, plans to continue for two years and expand to rural areas.