澳大利亚公司 Pocket Aid 推出了人工智能辅助。 Australian firm Pocket Aid introduces AI-assisted.
澳大利亚公司 Pocket Aid 正在通过提供价格实惠、直接面向消费者且无需预约、安装或调整的设备来彻底改变助听器。 Pocket Aid, an Australian company, is revolutionizing hearing aids by offering affordable, direct-to-consumer devices that don't require appointments, fittings, or adjustments. Pocket Aid 的助听器采用人工智能和数据驱动设计,价格仅为传统助听器成本的一小部分,同时仍能提供高品质的声音。 Using AI and data-driven design, Pocket Aid's hearing aids are a fraction of the cost of traditional hearing aids while still offering high-quality sound. 其广泛的处方技术和复杂的算法使用户能够轻松定制自己的听力体验,而无需听力专家的现场协助。 Their broad prescription technology and sophisticated algorithms enable users to easily customize their hearing experience without the need for in-person assistance from a hearing specialist.