澳大利亚节目 Bluey 以圣诞拉炮皇冠传统让美国观众感到困惑。 Australian show Bluey puzzles U.S. viewers with Christmas cracker crowns tradition.
澳大利亚儿童节目Bluey的一集描述传统圣诞习俗, 穿着圣诞饼干的多彩纸冠, 这使许多美国观众感到困惑。 An episode of the Australian children's show Bluey depicted a traditional Christmas custom—wearing colorful paper crowns from Christmas crackers—which left many American viewers confused. 圣诞饼干在英国和澳洲很流行, 被拆开以揭示玩具、笑话和王冠。 Christmas crackers, popular in the UK and Australia, are pulled apart to reveal a toy, a joke, and a crown. 虽然美国观众不熟悉这个传统, 但有人幽默地说, 这会成为一个新的美国节日趋势。 While American audiences were unfamiliar with this tradition, some humorously suggested it could become a new U.S. holiday trend.