美国人把澳大利亚节目"Bluey's"夏季圣诞节与他们的冬季庆祝活动混为一谈,强调文化差异被删除以符合指令. 正确的版本应为:美国人被"Bluey's"夏季圣诞节混为一谈,强调文化假期差异. Americans confuse Australian show "Bluey's" summer Christmas with their winter celebrations, highlighting cultural差异被删除了以符合指令。正确的版本应为:Americans are confused by "Bluey's" summer Christmas, highlighting cultural holiday differences.
美国人对澳大利亚动画节目“蓝”的圣诞节片段表示困惑, Americans are expressing confusion over Christmas episodes of the Australian animated show "Bluey," which depict summer-themed celebrations. 在澳大利亚,圣诞节在夏季降下来,导致海滩旅行和烧烤等传统,与美国冬季圣诞节庆祝活动大不相同。 In Australia, Christmas falls during summer, leading to traditions like beach trips and barbecues, which differ significantly from American winter Christmas celebrations. 这引发了有关假日传统文化差异的网上讨论。 This has sparked discussions online about cultural differences in holiday traditions.