一名8岁男孩在Azusa39号公路正面碰撞中死亡,七人受伤。 An 8-year-old boy died and seven were injured in a head-on collision on Highway 39 in Azusa.
一名来自La Puente的8岁男孩在Azusa第39号公路正面碰撞中丧生,另有7人受伤。 An 8-year-old boy from La Puente was killed and seven others were injured in a head-on collision on Highway 39 in Azusa. 车祸涉及男孩父亲驾驶的一辆南向行驶的本田雅阁,该车转向北向车道并与一辆斯巴鲁森林人相撞。 The crash involved a southbound Honda Accord, driven by the boy's father, which veered into the northbound lane and collided with a Subaru Forester. 《协议》的驾驶员住院治疗,加利福尼亚公路巡逻队正在调查坠机的确切原因。 The driver of the Accord was hospitalized and the exact cause of the crash is under investigation by the California Highway Patrol.