3 月 17 日,洛杉矶大学公园 10 号高速公路发生两车相撞事故,造成一名男子死亡、一名妇女和四名儿童重伤。 10 Freeway two-car crash in University Park, Los Angeles on March 17 resulted in one man's death and serious/critical injuries to a woman and four children.
3月17日,洛杉矶大学公园10号高速公路上发生一起致命的两车相撞事故,造成一名男子死亡、一名妇女和四名儿童受伤。 A fatal two-car crash occurred on the 10 Freeway in University Park, Los Angeles, on March 17, resulting in the death of one man and injuries to a woman and four children. 这名29岁的女子和四名年龄在3个月至10岁之间的男孩伤势严重或危急。 The 29-year-old woman and the four young boys, aged 3 months to 10 years, were in serious or critical condition. 这起事故发生在下午 3 点左右,导致 10 号公路的所有西行车道关闭了几个小时,然后加州公路巡逻队在下午 6 点 30 分左右重新开放。 The crash, which occurred around 3pm, closed all westbound lanes on the 10 for several hours before being reopened by the California Highway Patrol around 6:30pm.