卡拉维拉斯县12号高速公路的正面碰撞, 致一对年轻夫妇和一只狗死亡, Highway 12 head-on collision in Calaveras County, California kills young couple and dog, injures another severely.
星期天晚上,加利福尼亚州卡拉维拉斯县12号公路发生正面碰撞,导致一名男女青年及其家庭狗死亡。 A head-on collision on Highway 12 in Calaveras County, California, on Sunday night resulted in the deaths of a young man and woman, along with their family dog. 失事发生在下午9点26分左右的Toyon中学附近。 第三名青年男子受重伤,被空运到一家医院。 The crash occurred near Toyon Middle School at approximately 9:26 p.m. A third young man sustained severe injuries and was airlifted to a hospital. 加利福尼亚高速公路巡逻队正在调查这一事件,关于死者原因和身份的细节尚未确定。 The California Highway Patrol is investigating the incident, and details regarding the cause and identities of the deceased are pending.