越南计划在政府中精简劳动力,并为清洁能源开展一个大型核电项目。 Vietnam plans workforce streamlining in government and a large nuclear power project for clean energy.
越南内务部正在制定一项政策,通过处理多余的官员和公务员来精简政府工作人员队伍。 The Ministry of Home Affairs in Vietnam is developing a policy to streamline the government workforce by addressing redundant officials and civil servants. 该政策旨在促进向其他部门过渡,同时留住有才华的个人和吸引有技能的专业人员。 The policy aims to facilitate transitions to other sectors while retaining talented individuals and attracting skilled professionals. 该部正在进行彻底的研究,以确保该政策的可行性和影响。 The ministry is conducting thorough research to ensure the policy's feasibility and impact. 同时,工业和贸易部副部长宣布了宁图瓦恩省核能项目计划,计划使用先进技术,旨在创造清洁能源,总投资预计将达数十亿美元。 Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade announced plans for a nuclear power project in Ninh Thuận province, set to use advanced technology and aimed at creating a clean energy source, with total investment expected to reach billions of USD.