Unifor在Whistler组织集会,在生活费用高昂的情况下,推动提高酒店工人的工资。 Unifor organizes rally in Whistler to push for higher wages for hotel workers amid high living costs.
加拿大最大的私营部门联盟Unifor在不列颠哥伦比亚省Whistler组织了一次集会,支持当地旅馆工人进行集体谈判。 Unifor, Canada's largest private sector union, organized a rally in Whistler, British Columbia, to support local hotel workers entering collective bargaining. 该工会的目标是确保提高工作人员的工资,理由是该地区生活费用和住房无保障程度很高。 The union aims to secure higher wages for staff, citing the region's high cost of living and housing insecurity. Unifor成功地谈判了温哥华和维多利亚旅馆工人工资的大幅提高,并寻求惠斯勒旅馆的同等待遇。 Unifor has successfully negotiated significant wage increases for hotel workers in Vancouver and Victoria, and seeks similar parity for Whistler hotels. 集会与Unifor的公元前2024年同时举行。 The rally coincided with Unifor's 2024 B.C. 区域理事会,主要政治人物的会谈。 Regional Council, featuring talks from key political figures.