纽约有两名移民青少年被刺伤;其中一名不会说英语的人被打死。 Two migrant teens were stabbed in New York; one, who didn't speak English, was killed.
纽约市有两名移民青少年被刺伤,其中一名17岁的Yeremi Colino在被问及他们是否说英语并做出负面回应后受了致命伤。 Two migrant teenagers were stabbed in New York City, with one, 17-year-old Yeremi Colino, fatally injured after being asked if they spoke English and responding negatively. 这次袭击于星期四晚7时40分左右在下曼哈顿发生。 The attack took place around 7:40 p.m. on Thursday night in Lower Manhattan. 嫌犯在20多岁时被描述为三人,身穿深色外衣,徒步逃离了现场。 The suspects, described as three men in their 20s with dark complexions, fled the scene on foot. 没有逮捕任何人,调查仍在进行中。 No arrests have been made, and the investigation is ongoing. 18岁的幸存者身体状况稳定。 The 18-year-old survivor is in stable condition.