2名青少年,18岁和19岁,在Bath被刺伤后被捕,受害者伤势危急。 Two teens, ages 18 and 19, were arrested after a stabbing left a victim in critical condition in Bath.
11月24日,两名18和19岁的青少年在Bath被刺伤后被捕。 Two teenagers, aged 18 and 19, were arrested following a stabbing in Bath on November 24. 受害者于凌晨 2 点 55 分在 Terrace Walk 被发现有多处刺伤,情况危急但稳定,伤势改变了生活。 The victim, found with multiple stab wounds at 2:55 am on Terrace Walk, is in critical but stable condition with life-changing injuries. 警方正在寻找目击者或任何有事件录像的人。 Police are seeking witnesses or anyone with footage of the incident. 这名18岁的人面临企图谋杀的指控,而这名19岁的人涉嫌协助罪犯。 The 18-year-old faces charges of attempted murder, while the 19-year-old is suspected of assisting an offender.