一名蒙面男子在一个百吉饼店发生争吵后,在斯塔顿岛上刺伤了3名14至19岁的青少年。 A masked man stabbed three teenagers, ages 14 to 19, in Staten Island after an argument at a bagel shop.
3名青少年星期天清晨在斯塔顿岛被一名蒙面男子刺伤。 Three teenagers were stabbed by a masked man in Staten Island early Sunday morning. 事件发生在一家百吉饼店,嫌疑人在那里与其中两名青少年发生争执。 The incident began at a bagel shop where the suspect had an argument with two of the teens. 他跟随他们回家,在那里刺伤他们和另一个14岁的男孩。 He followed them home, where he stabbed them and another 14-year-old boy. 受害者,包括一名19岁和一名16岁的人,被带往Staten Island大学北部医院,病情稳定。 The victims, including a 19-year-old and a 16-year-old, were taken to Staten Island University Hospital North in stable condition. 被描述为佩戴灰色连帽衫的嫌疑人尚未被捕,调查仍在进行中。 The suspect, described as wearing a grey hoodie, has not been arrested, and the investigation is ongoing.