一名俄罗斯工程师被控窃取ASML的商业秘密,被荷兰禁止入境20年。 A Russian engineer, accused of stealing trade secrets from ASML, is banned from the Netherlands for 20 years.
曾受雇于ASML和Mapper Lithgraphy的43岁的俄罗斯工程师20年来被禁止进入荷兰,因为有人指控他窃取有助于俄罗斯微芯片生产的行业秘密。 A 43-year-old Russian engineer formerly employed by ASML and Mapper Lithography is banned from entering the Netherlands for 20 years due to allegations of stealing trade secrets that aided Russian microchip production. 该工程师被控违反制裁和窃取机密文件,准备在鹿特丹出庭接受法院听证。 The engineer, accused of violating sanctions and stealing confidential documents, is set to appear in Rotterdam for a court hearing. ASML是一家主要的微芯片设备制造商,以前曾是数据被破坏的目标,包括涉及一名前中国雇员的一起事件。 ASML, a leading microchip equipment maker, has been a target of data breaches before, including an incident involving a former Chinese employee.