Jeremiah Jamal Crosby因对儿童进行性攻击和持有儿童色情制品被判处80年徒刑。 Jeremiah Jamal Crosby sentenced to 80 years for child sexual assault and possession of child porn.
Jeremiah Jamal Crosby, 26岁,来自Baton Rouge, 被判处80年监禁,不得假释,罪名是性攻击一名5岁以下儿童,制作儿童色情制品,并拥有近75部儿童色情制品录像。 Jeremiah Jamal Crosby, a 26-year-old from Baton Rouge, was sentenced to 80 years in prison without parole for sexually assaulting a child under 5, producing child pornography, and possessing nearly 75 videos of child pornography. 路易斯安那调查局的因特网侵害儿童罪行工作队和东巴顿红色教区警长办公室调查了此案。 The case was investigated by the Louisiana Bureau of Investigation’s Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office.