来自明尼苏达州的31岁的Michael Lee Kurkowski因制作儿童色情片和策划谋杀虐待受害人家庭而被判处30年徒刑。 31-year-old Michael Lee Kurkowski from Minnesota sentenced to 30 years for child porn production and plotting murder of abuse victim's family.
31岁的Michael Lee Kurkowski, 来自明尼苏达州Owatonna, 被判处30年监禁, 罪名是制作儿童色情制品, Michael Lee Kurkowski, 31, from Owatonna, Minnesota, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for producing child pornography and making threats related to a murder plot against his former abuse victim's family. 调查于2021年3月在宾夕法尼亚州开始,此前有报道称,该男子与未成年人交换了明确的图像. The investigation began in March 2021 in Pennsylvania after reports of explicit images exchanged with a minor. Kurkowski在俄亥俄州托莱多被捕,并携带了表明绑架计划的物品。 Kurkowski was arrested in Toledo, Ohio, with items suggesting a kidnapping plan. 他还将服刑15年,监督释放15年。 He will also serve 15 years of supervised release afterward.