密西西比州参议员Jenifer Branning赢得最高法院的席位,击败了Jim Kitchens法官。 Mississippi State Senator Jenifer Branning won a seat on the Supreme Court, defeating Justice Jim Kitchens.
州参议员Jenifer Branning赢得密西西比州最高法院的席位, 在11月26日的第二轮选举中击败法官Jim Kitchens。 State Senator Jenifer Branning won a seat on the Mississippi Supreme Court, defeating Justice Jim Kitchens in a November 26 runoff election. 布兰宁是该州共和党支持的“宪法保守派”,他战胜了正在寻求第三个任期并得到南方贫困法律中心行动基金支持的基钦斯。 Branning, a "constitutional conservative" backed by the state Republican Party, won against Kitchens, who was seeking a third term and was endorsed by the Southern Poverty Law Center's Action Fund. 比赛在第 1 区举行,覆盖了从三角洲地区到杰克逊都会区,一直到阿拉巴马州边境的地区。 The race took place in District 1, covering areas from the Delta region to the Jackson metro area and up to the Alabama border.