共和党人Michelle Reneau赢得田纳西州众议院第27区,获得了60%的选票。 Republican Michele Reneau won Tennessee's House District 27, securing 60% of the vote.
共和党人Michelle Reneau赢得田纳西州众议院27区席位,以60%的选票击败民主党人Kathy Lennon。 Republican Michele Reneau won Tennessee's House District 27 seat, defeating Democrat Kathy Lennon with 60% of the vote. Reneau支持当地的学校控制和第二修正案权利。 Reneau supports local school control and 2nd Amendment rights. 在其他选举中,共和党参议员Marsha Blackburn和众议员Chuck Fleischmann获得了连选连任,在田纳西州立法机构中保持了共和党的主导地位。 In other elections, Republican Senators Marsha Blackburn and Congressman Chuck Fleischmann secured re-election, maintaining Republican dominance in Tennessee's legislature. 民主党人未能获得席位, 留在“超级少数派”中。 Democrats failed to gain seats, remaining in a "super minority." 但共和党保留了多数。 Key House races saw narrow margins, but Republicans retained their majority.