密西西比州州长塔特·里夫斯任命约翰·韦德勒为州上诉法院法官。 Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves appointed John Weddle to the state Court of Appeals.
密西西比州州长塔特·里夫斯已任命约翰·韦德勒为州上诉法院法官,填补退休法官吉姆·格林利留下的一个空缺。 Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves has appointed John Weddle to the state Court of Appeals, filling a vacancy left by retired Judge Jim Greenlee. Weddle自2015年以来一直是地区检察官,具有丰富的法律经验,将于2024年10月14日开始任职。 Weddle, who has been a district attorney since 2015 and has extensive legal experience, will start his term on October 14, 2024. 将定于2026年11月3日举行特别选举,选举一名候选人,任期为格林利八年任期的剩余几年,从而有机会竞选。 A special election is set for November 3, 2026, to elect a candidate for the remaining years of Greenlee's eight-year term, allowing Weddle the opportunity to run.