Memo警告Trudeau, 美国债务水平上升会给加拿大带来经济风险。 Memo warns Trudeau of economic risks to Canada from rising U.S. debt levels.
一份备忘录提醒加拿大总理朱斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau), 由于美国债务高企, 加拿大面临风险。 A memo has alerted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about the risks Canada faces due to the high levels of US debt. 备忘录指出,鉴于两国经济关系密切,美国不断增长的债务可能对加拿大产生重大经济影响。 The memo suggests that America's increasing debt could have significant economic impacts on Canada, given the close economic ties between the two nations. 官员敦促特鲁多(Trudeau)在政策和与美国关系中考虑这些影响。 Officials are urging Trudeau to consider these implications in his policies and relations with the US.