垃圾卡车袭击伊利诺伊州的天然气线,造成爆炸和火灾,关闭了欧几里德大道。 Garbage truck hits gas line in Illinois, causing explosion and fire, closing Euclid Avenue.
一辆垃圾车于星期五袭击伊利诺伊州阿林顿高地的一条煤气线, A garbage truck hit a gas line in Arlington Heights, Illinois, on Friday, causing an explosion and fire near Derbyshire and Euclid streets. 事件在街上散布残块,促使消防员和警察迅速作出反应。 The incident scattered debris across the streets, prompting a swift response from firefighters and police. 欧几里德大道在达登大道和卡莱尔巷之间关闭,有绕道。 Euclid Avenue is closed between Dryden Avenue and Carlyle Lane, with detours in place. 火灾和任何受伤的原因仍在调查中。 The cause of the fire and any injuries are still under investigation.