Edmonton看到不寻常的天气 雨水变成雪 引发气候趋势的讨论 Edmonton sees unusual weather with rain turning to snow, sparking climate trend discussions.
加拿大的Edmonton正在经历不适季的天气,预计今天下午2时开始下雨,午夜左右将下雪。 Edmonton, Canada, is experiencing unseasonable weather with rain expected to start at 2 p.m. today, turning to snow around midnight. 预计夜间降雪约5厘米,次日再降雪2-4厘米。 Snowfall of about 5 cm is predicted overnight, followed by 2-4 cm of additional flurries the next day. 非同寻常的天气让当地人讨论不可预料的气候趋势。 The unusual weather has locals discussing the unpredictable climate trends.