无国界医生组织警告说,南苏丹爆发严重霍乱,报告病例超过700例。 Doctors Without Borders warns of a severe cholera outbreak in South Sudan, with over 700 cases reported.
无国界医生组织警告说,在南苏丹,特别是在上尼罗州,霍乱爆发迅速升级,据报有737例病例,有646名病人接受无国界医生组织的治疗。 Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has warned of a rapidly escalating cholera outbreak in South Sudan, particularly in Upper Nile state, where 737 cases have been reported with 646 patients treated by MSF. 疫情蔓延到其他地区,包括首都朱巴,原因是卫生条件差,获得清洁用水的机会有限。 The outbreak has spread to other regions, including the capital Juba, due to poor sanitation and limited access to clean water. 本组织呼吁紧急扩大活动规模,包括开展疫苗接种运动,以遏制疫情爆发并防止进一步痛苦。 The organization is calling for an urgent scale-up of activities, including a vaccination campaign, to contain the outbreak and prevent further suffering. 超过850 000人从苏丹越境进入南苏丹,加大了卫生系统承受过度负担的压力。 Over 850,000 people have crossed into South Sudan from Sudan, adding pressure to the overstretched health system.