被困在充满鳄鱼的澳大利亚洪水中三天后获救的一对夫妇。 Couple rescued after being stranded for three days in Australian floodwaters filled with crocodiles.
50多岁的一对夫妇在澳大利亚昆士兰被困三天后获救, 当时他们的车被充斥着鳄鱼的洪水冲走。 A couple in their 50s were rescued after being stranded for three days in Queensland, Australia, when their vehicle was swept away by floodwaters filled with crocodiles. 他们忍受了40度的热度 脱水 还有鳄鱼跟踪他们 They endured 40-degree heat, dehydration, and a crocodile stalking them. 在泥土中写了“SOS”之后,他们被一个救生艇船员及其两只狗发现并空运到安全地带。 After writing "SOS" in the dirt, they were spotted and airlifted to safety by a LifeFlight crew, along with their two dogs.