在鳄鱼体内发现的人类遗骸据信是昆士兰失踪的60岁老人的遗骸。 Human remains found in a crocodile are believed to be those of a missing 60-year-old man from Queensland.
据信人类遗骸属于昆士兰Aurukun失踪的60岁老人,在搜查行动中发现在鳄鱼体内。 Human remains believed to belong to a missing 60-year-old man from Aurukun, Queensland, were discovered inside a crocodile found during a search operation. 这名男子最后一次被看见是在1月30日, 据信他去钓鱼了。 The man, last seen on January 30, was believed to have gone fishing. 由警察、志愿者和社区成员参与的广泛搜索最终导致鳄鱼人道的安乐化和法医检验,证实了遗骸的存在。 The extensive search, involving police, volunteers, and community members, culminated in the crocodile's humane euthanization and forensic testing, confirming the presence of human remains. 家庭和地方理事会已经了解情况,目前正在进行进一步的身份鉴定测试。 The family and local council have been informed, and further identification tests are ongoing.