1.4米长的淡水鳄鱼因大雨进入澳大利亚汤斯维尔服务站,被野生动物官员捕获,释放到罗斯河。 1.4m freshwater crocodile enters service station in Townsville, Australia due to heavy rain, captured by wildlife officer, released into Ross River.
2024 年 3 月 19 日,由于暴雨导致鳄鱼为了食物、交配和领地而迁徙,一只 140 万长的淡水鳄鱼进入澳大利亚汤斯维尔的一个加油站。 A 1.4m freshwater crocodile entered a service station in Townsville, Australia, on 19th March 2024 due to heavy rainfall causing crocodiles to move for food, mates, and territory. 野生动物官员托尼·弗里斯比(Tony Frisby)捕获了这条鳄鱼,并将其带到一个安全的池塘,在那里发现它健康状况良好,并将其释放到堰上方的罗斯河中。 The crocodile was captured by wildlife officer Tony Frisby and taken to a secure pond, where it was found to be in good health and released into the Ross River above the weir. 建议公众报告任何鳄鱼目击事件并保持谨慎。 The public is advised to report any crocodile sightings and remain cautious.