Derry的学徒男孩在伦敦德里举行年度纪念游行,纪念Derry的围城。 The Apprentice Boys of Derry held their annual commemoration parade in Londonderry, marking the Siege of Derry.
德里的学徒男孩 (Apprentice Boys of Derry) 在伦敦德里举行了一年一度的 Shutting of the Gate 纪念活动,尽管受到风暴达拉格 (Storm Darragh) 的干扰。 The Apprentice Boys of Derry held their annual Shutting of the Gates commemoration in Londonderry despite disruptions from Storm Darragh. 该活动旨在纪念 17 世纪的德里围城战,包括 25 支乐队的游行和焚烧被称为“叛徒伦迪”的罗伯特·伦迪中校的肖像。 The event, marking the 17th-century Siege of Derry, included a parade with 25 bands and the burning of an effigy of Lt Col Robert Lundy, known as "Lundy the Traitor." 威廉·沃克正式被安顿 成为新上任的集团州长 William Walker was formally installed as the new governor of the group.