津巴布韦公墓所有者和工人因挖掘380多具尸体和转卖坟墓而被捕。 Zimbabwe cemetery owner and workers arrested for exhuming over 380 bodies, reselling graves.
津巴布韦Restland纪念公园业主Edwin Muronzi和三名掘墓者因九年来挖掘了大约380具尸体而被捕, Edwin Muronzi, owner of Restland Memorial Park in Zimbabwe, and three grave diggers were arrested for exhuming about 380 bodies over nine years, disposing of them in a dam, and reselling the graves. 当一名雇员报告了寻找其下落的死者的幻觉时,便发现了这一计划。 The scheme was uncovered when an employee reported visions of the deceased seeking their whereabouts. 津巴布韦共和国警察目前正在调查,以查明挖掘出的遗骸。 Zimbabwe Republic Police are now investigating to identify the exhumed remains.